* Too much stuff piled up on top rack.
* Limited hanging space. Tops, dresses, skirts and pants were stuffed into the small space.
* There are some good features. The four drawers is a good way to keep/organize your 'un-mentionables'. So I'll keep this.
* Shoes piled at the bottom of closet.
* Shopping bags left at the bottom of closet.
Here's how I completed this project in one day and for under $50.
Step 1 - First things first... remove ALL (yes, ALL) clothing, shoes, bags from closet.
Step 2 - Sort all your clothes into three piles - 'KEEP', 'DONATE' and 'TOSS' (For more tips on how to de-clutter, see my earlier posting dated May 15th)
Step 3 - Add a shoe rack to organize your shoes. You can also use a hanging shoe organizer.
Step 4 - Add a 6-shelf hanging organizer. This will be great for organizing T-shirts, sweaters, shorts etc.
Step 5 - Add a hanging rod. This will create more hanging space!!
Now you are ready to start putting back you clothes. Remember to de-clutter first. A good rule of thumb is if you have not worn it in 1-2 years, it's time to toss or donate the item. There are a few different ways to organize the space. It's all up to you. There's no right or wrong way to do this.
AFTER (Three ways to organize the space)
* Hang organization shelf on the far side of closet
* Hang shirts, blouses and tops on top hanging rack. I like arrange each category by color. Makes it easy to get dressed in the morning (Trust me)
* Hang skirts and pants on bottom hanging rack.
* Hang dresses on the other side.
* Keep the four drawer shelf.
* Add organization boxes on top shelf together with handbags. These organization boxes come in different sizes and are great for storing small handbags, scarfs, hats etc.
Option 2:
* Same as Option 2 expect for the removal of the small four-drawer shelf. You can keep you un-mentionables on an armoire drawer.
Option 3:
* Hang the hanging organizer in the middle.
* Hang the dresses on one side, and the shirts, blouses and tops on the other side.
* Hang pants on the bottom
* Arrange shoes at the bottom of dresses. You can use the shoe rack as well.
At the end of this project, there was a lot of de-cluttering and as a result, a big bag for donations. The closet looks fantastic!!
HAPPY ORGANIZING! Remember to 'Keep It Organized, Keep It Simple'
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