Friday, May 15, 2009

How to start your closet organization project

It's finally SPRING and what better time to start SPRING cleaning than now. Time to switch out the sweaters and boots for tank tops, shorts and flip flops. In Boston apartments, the closets are tini-tiny. What's a girl going to do?

Here's how to get started:

STEP 1 - Remove all clothing items and shoes from your closet. (Yes, I mean EVERYTHING!)

STEP 2 - Sort all clothing items into three piles - 'KEEP', 'TOSS', 'DONATE'. Go through every piece of clothing. A good rule of thumb is that if you have not worn it in the last 6-12 months or if it has holes, it's time to let it go... 'DONATE' it. If it is torn and can't be mended, 'TOSS' it.

STEP 3 - Next, take a good look at your shoes. Honestly, do you really need THAT many pairs? I say, Quality vs. quantity. Stick to the classics but once in a while, throw in a trendy pair.

Step 4 - Once you have sorted through everything in your closet, it's time to put it back in its proper place. ONLY the clothes in the 'KEEP' pile will go back into the closet. First, organize by season - Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer. Since it is spring, only the SPRING/SUMMER clothes will go back into the closet. Put way the sweaters and coats. Keep them in a box and label it.

Step 5 - Now for the 'DONATE' pile. Place the items in a box or bag, and take it to your local Goodwill or women's shelter.

Step 6 - As for the 'TOSS' pile, dispose of it.

Just remember to 'Keep It Organized, Keep It Simple'.

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